
Luxbright reaches milestone for revolutionary technique

Luxbright Kallkatod Prototyp 1 Orig Orig

​Gothenburg January 27, 2022 – Luxbright AB (publ), e leading developer of ground-breaking solutions for X-ray emission, has developed and tested an X-ray tube using the company’s proprietary cold cathode technology. It’s a great achievement both for the company and for the X-ray industry.

The prototype was completed according to plan just before the new year and the beginning of the year tests have been done that has verified the function for the next development step. The impact of cold cathode for the X-ray industry can be compared to the impact of the LED lamp for the lighting industry.

Traditional filament based cathodes generate a lot of heat which leads to several limitations for such systems. One example is that X-ray systems have to be heated up before they can be used. At the same time, cooling needs makes such systems larger and energy demanding. With a cold cathode, the system can be turned on immediately and the need of bulky cooling systems decreases significantly thanks to lower heat development.

The plan for Luxbright’s cold cathode X-ray tubes is to enable installation in existing X-ray machines. The lower working temperature will contribute to higher stability and reduced risk of overheating. It can also increase the lifetime of X-ray equipment and decrease the need to replace broken X-ray tubes which lowers operational and maintenance cost.
Since there is less need of cooling, another opportunity is to make systems smaller and even portable which could open up completely new applications for X-ray.

“This is an important milestone for us and we are very happy that we were able to finish the project according to the time plan. Cold cathode has the potential to revolutionize the X-ray industry and broaden the use of X-ray. The fact that we now have a working prototype based on our own patented technique makes us very positive for the future” says Luxbright’s CEO Mats Alm.