Running the new production site

Ever since his start in August last year, Richard Palmqvist, production manager, has been working tirelessly to start up the production of X-ray tubes in Luxbright’s Swedish production site. Tubes are now continuously processed through the complete supply chain and the objective is to verify the process.
A big part of the assembly work takes place in the clean room to avoid contamination. One example is when the cathode and anode are mounted prior to the last step when the actual glass tube is melted to the cathode and anode. “Step by step we have moved the different production steps to the clean room. As a result, we are avoiding contamination and minimizing oxidation of the metal parts of the tube which is essential to manufacture tubes that will reach the vacuum levels required” says Richard. It’s a long chain from raw material to complete X-ray tubes and each step needs to work. “We quickly solve problems that arise thanks to being close to our suppliers and by having all competence gathered under the same roof” he continues. There is still some work left before production is ramped up and verified but Richard is positive about the future: “We are a good team and it’s great fun and rewarding to be a part of building a first class production site in Sweden” he ends.
Below is a picture of the copper anodes of the microfocus tubes. They are kept in protected atmosphere waiting for the next step.
Below is a picture of the copper anodes of the microfocus tubes. They are kept in protected atmosphere waiting for the next step.