
New resources onboard!

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A very warm welcome to our new colleagues! In line with our Made in Sweden initiative, we have the pleasure of adding competence to the growing team of Luxbright. 

A natural and vital addition is Richard Palmqvist taking on the role of Production Manager. His broad experience with manufacturing and clean room environments will help us pilot the first Swedish-made X-ray tube. 

Ensuring a steady and qualitative supply of parts is the main role of Mirza Memisahovic

To grow and oversee commercial success, an industry native professional, Göran Zelander, joins as Head of Product Management and Business Development. 

John Forsberg joins as Operator and is hands-on in building our components utilizing our ever-growing machine park. Great to see them gather around the furnace overseeing the bake-out process of our Luxbright micro-focus tube.
Richard, Mirza, Göran, and John are in our production facility.